

With 25 years of experience specialising in underfloor heating and renewable energies, rest assured we will be able to consult and advise you on the most appropriate, efficient and effective system for you and your property. DKH Underfloor Heating can also consult confidently on relevant technical help too, get in touch with any technical issues you have and we will happily assist

Maintenance & Repairs

If your property currently operates an underfloor heating system, and it requires any sort of repair work or routine maintenance, then we can be of assistance for this; trusted with underfloor heating systems across the UK in a huge variety of property types, to maximise underfloor heating efficiency and effectiveness for you and your property


For optimal functioning underfloor heating systems, it is highly recommended that they receive regular servicing, for maximum performance and efficiency for you and your property. Contact us to service your underfloor heating systems


An underfloor heating system, designed completely bespoke for your individual property or properties. For optimal efficiency and effectiveness, we can design an underfloor heating system specifically tailored for your needs and requirements


Performing the installation of your underfloor heating requires expert knowledge, specialist skills and attention to detail. These are all attributes of DKH Underfloor Heating, with our long term history in the industry, you can be assured your underfloor heating system will be expertly installed

Design & Build Packages

At DKH Underfloor Heating we can offer an all-inclusive package for the design and build of your underfloor heating system. We have the expert knowledge for comprehensive planning and the specialist skills to undertake the build and installation of your bespoke underfloor heating system for your property

Contact us for more information